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Galadriel Masterson


I first met Galadriel Masterson in the famed hallways of Splashlight Studios. I had seen her for months on other sets, in other studios, in the ladies bathroom, and talking to friends of mine, and I just knew that I wanted to be her friend. She looked cool, she had great style, and everyone who she was talking to was laughing hysterically at stuff that she was saying. Eventually we were politely introduced by a mutual friend (D.S.L.) and we would chat here and there in the hallways. However, I didn't really fall in friend love with her until I was invited to a ladies night at her apartment in Bushwick that she shares with her glorious wife Mandy.

It was on that night that this woman changed my life. I got there early and I nervously chatted with Galadriel and Mandy and petted their Pugs. Back in those days, when I really liked someone I had a really hard time talking to them because I felt like I had to impress them. Some more people arrived at the party who I knew so I felt releived that the pressure was off for me trying to impress these amazing dames. But Galadriel kept talking to me and as it got louder in there and more people got there, without realizing it, I swallowed more and more of my words and sentences and began to close myself down in the shadow of these super powerful women. Galadriel is extremely intuitive and she said to me, "hold on, can you say that again? I couldn't hear you. Your words are very important."

That little sentence changed my life. I began to really consider and value what words were coming out of my mouth and that I had something to say that was important and someone might want to listen to. She had empowered me and my words. That little sentence brought me back to self love and to realizing that I didn't have to impress anyone, that I should just be me. My words mattered no matter who I was talking to. That night was one of the best, most fun nights ever and since then weve had many more.

Galadriel is a true light-worker because she loves to lift people up. she lives to research what is going on with her clients and her friends, and even strangers, and how to help them to reach their highest goals, whatever they may be. She will send me texts about how proud she is of her clients quitting sugar, or losing weight, or getting more energy. She is always an open ear, a supportive empowering female friend, and a hilarious out of control humerous laugh maker. Here is my latest interview about the glorious, quick-witted, beautiful, fashionable, and most health conscious lady that I am lucky enough to call my friend, Galadriel Masterson. I am so proud of her for reaching some of her own highest goals and creating her new website and health coaching plan

Galadriel Masterson is a

Certified Holistic Health and LifeStyle Coach

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

member of AADP (American Association of Drugless Practioners)

and IAHC (International Association for Health Coaches)

Interview with Galadriel Masterson. The Masterson Plan.

Tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do.

Im a small town girl whos been in NYC for 25 years. For the past 20 years I have been loving my career as a wardrobe stylist. I am still very passionate about my career. However, over the past 10 to 15 years I have been the go to person on set for any health and wellness nutrition questions. It’s my favorite thing to talk about. If anybody needs some advice everyone is like “well go ask Galadriel, she’ll know what to do.”

I realized that I was health coaching before I knew what health coaching was. I had been passionately and ferociously studying so many different facets of whole body health for years. So, I decided to take my 17 years of self study and make it official by going to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition from which I graduated in May. Although I still am a full time wardrobe stylist I am quietly and slowly building my practice which is called “the Masterson Plan.” Right now I am taking on just a few clients at a time and eventually in a few years, maybe like 5 years or so, that will probably be my full time job.

What gets you going in the morning? What brings light into your life and makes you feel excited and tingly?

Well, before I even put my feet on the floor I always do affirmations. Particularly if I think it’s going to be a challenging day on set, I will really go for it with the affirmations in the opposite direction of a challenging day. When I get up in the morning my wife is usually already up and in the kitchen making our smoothies and she has our lemon water ready and our beautiful little dogs are ready to have breakfast and be taken out. I live for those morning walks when New York isn’t awake yet and we are one of the few people that are outside.

What are the top 3 conditions that you see your clients suffering from these days?

Most everyone is extremely addicted to sugar. And most everyone sees that as something that they’ll never ever ever be able to give up. I’ve helped people understand the science of sugar addiction, which of course also includes anything made from flour because your body also thinks that is sugar. I don’t make people do some crazy cold turkey thing or detox, we crowd it out with whole foods, with real foods, with sweet real foods that their bodies actually know how to use. The other really big thing and this is my other absolute passion is that most women over the age of 35 don’t know anything about how their endocrine system works and how massively their hormones are affecting them. They don’t understand why they can’t lose weight even though they are working out and eating right, or why they have become so forgetful. Their boobs used to never hurt before when they were on their periods and now they are swollen and in pain and all these things. They notice it’s hormonal but they don’t know what that means much less how to balance it. So that’s my other passion. To help women over the age of 35 get their hormones back in balance by educating them about what the inbalance is.

What brought you to this passion ? Was it because you saw so many women suffering from this? Or was it because you yourself were having issues?

It started with myself. When I first read about the endocrine system I felt as though I had been lead into a secret club. As though I got to finally understand my body as a woman. And then I would see my friends going through so much and having no idea what was going on, they would say, “Oh my GYN said everything is great and normal.” And I thought, "Huh?! if everything is normal then why do you have this or that or the other thing?" Maybe it’s on the high side of normal or the low side of normal and that is massively affecting your quality of life. No one teaches women what for example “perimenopause” is. I've used that phrase with friends and they’ve told me later, “you know I had to go google it because I didn’t know what it was and I was too embarrassed to ask you."

I want to get all the other women over 35 into this secret club too.

What do you feel like is the number one supplement or remedy that you are prescribing to your clients these days?

I used to be that person who never ever took a supplement and was like, “I get everything from whole foods.” But then when my hormones were really out of balance I became passionate about how herbs can massively change things. Now I’m like that gross person who has the pill tray, you know the Monday through Friday pill tray and it’s so full I’m like, “I hope some day they make bigger pill trays.” But those supplements really work.

I think the number one thing that I talk to people about is Magnesium because it seems like no one can friggin poop! You gotta poop because whatever doesn’t leave your body just recirculates through. Obviously not pooping is just a symptom of a bigger problem but lets just get that freakin poop out, treat that symptom, and then you'll feel so much better. Then we can get to work on the bigger problem. You know magnesium relaxes everything. It relaxes the nervous system it relaxes the muscles. You know how us New Yorkers are all hunched up and tight in the back of the neck and back? It helps with that, and it relaxes the bowels and tells you to poop.

What would you say is your greatest gift that you possess?

Oh, for sure my humor!

Does that help with your clients?

Oh my god yes! I have two health coaching instagrams @yesbetchyes which is everything that you say yes to for health and @nobetchno which is everything that you say no to. I've always talked about health the way that I would talk about anything...TV shows, celebrities, fashion, the weather. My personality doesn’t change when I am talking about this dryer topic health. I think so often with people it's not that way. Think of health food restaurants, they are never sexy, or really that cool. They always have that weird like “santa fe” décor and I think that’s how people view health food as well. Even health food stores are rarely “cool” places with cool sound tracks. But that’s not how I approach health. I approach health with a lot of fun.

Do you think that is why someone would choose you as a coach over another health

coach or nutritionist?

Yeah! Because Im a super straight talker and Ill make you laugh while Im telling you “no”

If you had all the money in the world and you never had to worry about it and you could be any profession that exists and receive all of the skills and knowledge with that profession...what would you be? It can be a combo deal. You could be a rocket scientist or a professional sleeper...go big, go magical!

I would be a therapist, a naturopath, a workout instructor, and I would own all the dogs in the world. All the dogs in the world would belong to me… or I’d be like the mayor of dogs, so if I didn’t see a dog receiving 100% of what I think is the proper treatment for the dog I would just take the dog.

You know you kind of already do all of that….

Yes, but without the plaques on the wall. In my head I do all that for sure, especially the dog mayor part.

So are you as healthy with your dogs as you are with yourself?

Oh hell yes! They are on major supplements, and the shit works, and they eat a home made diet. I make their food.

Did you figure that all out yourself or did you bring your dogs to someone?

A little bit of both. I've had dogs for a long long time, so a little bit here and a little bit there. Picked it up from different people a long the way.

If you could manifest your greatest desire for your own personal health what would that look like?

Oh my god, my digestion right now is like...If I could like break up with it...I would. I’m treating leaky gut. Isn’t this sexy.? Low stomach acid, and keeping the thyroid balanced because it largely plays into the gut health. So many of the receptors for the thyroid are in the stomach. And yeah I’m like a total fart machine right now, its H-E-double-hockey-sticks...

If you could change one thing about the world today, what would that be?

Only one thing? You know what? Iphones! Yeah...bye! Bye Felicia! I miss people. I mean don’t get me wrong. I am so addicted to Instagram. I'm addicted to texting. I am just like all the other a**holes walking down the street looking at my phone and not at the world. But when I do put my phone down I am so disappointed in all of us. When I look on the subway and I see all of us not looking up ever from the world on the phone.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone studying nutrition and the healing arts what would be that advice.

I would tell them to research deeply every single thing they are learning so that they could fully understand the science and inner workings of everything that they are learning. As an example, if they are learning about the thyroid, go in deeper. Find out “what does T3 do for my body? What does T4 do for my body? Where is it made?" Really get in there. Do your research.

If you were going to die tomorrow what would you eat today

A ton of red wine. A huge plate of extremely greasy salty French fries. A big bowl of brown rice with sea salt and flax sead oil with sautéed greens that were sautéed in garlic onion and a shit ton of salt….thats like my favorite meal in the world…

What are you studying and into learning about these days?

Well right now I’m in a thyroid mastery course and I'm also delving way way deep into digestive health and the inbalances that occur there. And I'm going into every worm hole I can find on the female endocrine system.

Would you say that you feel that you are in your body most of the time?

Oh yeah.. yeah… I mean, sometimes I actually wish I could have a little vacay from being so connected to every message that the body is sending me.

9 things that Galdriel Loves.

1/ working out is my medicine, I love class pass and killer outdoor workouts with my wife...we do total prison yard style workouts.

2/ naps are everything especially when done in Cherry Grove, Fire Island.

3/ I have the best job as a wardrobe stylist...especially when I get to do that in the woods.

4/ Put me upstate and lemme watch my dogs run off leash and I am happy.

6/ I am full blown book worm and a secret lover of tie dye

7/ My fur children.

8/ photos by Frances Tulk-Hart

9/ Chilling in Brooklyn with my wife and our four legged children is heaven on earth to me. I am simple girl.

My styling portfolio can be seen at : For Daily Inspiration follow her health coach Facebook page:

As well as our Health Coach Instagram Accounts:

@yesbetchyes for all things you say YES to for gorgeous health and

@nobetchno to kick the things out that are ruining your party!

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