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DEAR SANTA, G-D, Goddess, Oprah, etc...

The other day my son wrote his annual letter to Santa, saying hi, and asking for gifts and wishes. He is ten now and I asked him if he thought Santa was real and he said, "yeah, I still believe in Santa, but I don't think he's some hippy wearing a fake white beard making kids sit on his lap in some store." So, he still believes in the magic. I do too, and I like the idea of Santa being this more ethereal wish bringer, this divine jolly man living out there in the North Pole, friend to all reindeer, working hard with his elves to bring toys, brightness, and gifts to people of every faith and color and income level all over the world. I like the idea of writing a letter of intentions, and wishes and dreams to this man, this little elf, or deity, or chubby human with a magic sleigh...

This year has been a tough one, but also one of the best, because it was filled with growth and change, and packed with spells, witchery, hocus-pocus, wizardry, glamour, charm, pizzazz, enchantment, and sorcery. I haven't felt this close to the divine, to the Earth, to magic, to synchronicity, to source, to spirit, since I was a child. When my son was writing his list, he said, "I don't know what I want to ask for. I feel like I have so much." Especially after hearing him say that, I feel the same way. I have everything I need. And I have so much gratitude for that. So we talked about that and then he thought of some fun things he could ask Santa for.

Last night when we got home there was a letter in our mailbox from the North Pole. It was a letter from Santa saying that he received my son's letter and that he was doing his best to bring him something from this list. I cried. I didn't write that letter. Maybe it was from a beautiful human volunteer from the post office department of letters to Santa, but we chose to believe it to be from Santa. That letter brought sparkle and sweetness into our life. Life is what you make it right? This is our dream. So, I thought of writing my own list to Santa this year. Not based on little material things, like new shoes, or a massage, or a new tattoo, but more as an intention for what I really want in my life.

This is a list all of the ideas swirling around in my head and heart, my journal, my phone, my notebook. These are Big dreams. Therefore, because we are a family who believes in Santa, and magic, and Reiki, the Universe, or G-D, Great Spirit, Goddess, Angels, the Tooth Fairy, and some sort of divine order, I am sending this list out in hopes that someone is going to read them and write back to me.

Maybe it will be Santa, or maybe Oprah, or Clooney, Leo, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Ruffallo? Maybe one of these wealthy, and philanthropic people will want to sponsor me, and take me, and one or all of my ideas under their wing, and show me how to grow them. Or one of Santa's elves will visit with some small business owner with big

dreams and a foxy smart wit who will read my letter and want to partner with me and my idea planting party. Or a community of like-minded individuals, entrepreneurial geniuses will want to gather round and mind meld with me to make them come to life. If you are interested in these ideas, don't steal them. Instead, we could collaborate to make any of these things on this list a reality. Just call me and maybe we can make this a thing, where we share our "letters to Santa" and our ideas and work with each other to make them a reality. Write your list to Santa. Maybe I'll be your Santa, and you can be mine. If you had a magic wand, or you knew a cute happy guy dressed in a warm red suit would read your letter and make your dreams come true, what would your dreams be?

Here are mine:

Dear Santa, Great Spirit, Ghandi, Archangel Gabriel, Oprah, D.A.D., the Universe, etc...

I hope you are doing great. These are some things that I have been dreaming about over the years. If you could work with me to get one or more of them for Christmas, that would be great. Or, Just send me the right people to work with to get these things done. These are not in order of preference.

Thank you in advance.

Thank you for my life and everything that I have already.



P.S. Happy Birthday Jesus.

P.P.S. If you can't help me to make any of these things happen, please connect me to a job where I can be of service and help to make this world better, be my best self, and to help others do the same.

World Peace: Always been the dream. Lets do it.

Mobile Healing Unit: I want to buy a small RV and gut it, and turn it into Diesel or electric. I

want to deck it out on the inside with salt walls and crystals. I want to have an area to sell healing books and crystals, and pendulums, herbs, and balms etc… I will have one or two massage tables in there as well as a talk therapy room. It will travel the states (and eventually the world) as a mobile healing unit bringing alternative healing to where it is needed most. I will make an app so that people can track the MHU and book sessions as well. They can also donate to someone else’s session if they are not in the area but wish to help with healing the world. Other practitioners can book the RV and rent it out for their clients as well if they are licensed in the state that it is in at the time. I will not always be the one driving the RV, as there are other healing modalities aside from mine that are needed. Massage, Acupuncture, life coaching, energy healing, and many more. Eventually there will be a fleet of Mobile Healing Units, carrying acupuncturists, masseuses, integrative nutritionists, etc… and possibly a boat or an airplane so we can be worldwide. We will travel to protests, to festivals, to prayer circles, to earthquake, and other natural disaster relief zones and help to heal. We will also just travel around the world to different cities and towns and bring healing everywhere. I want to decorate the outside of the RV, and I want a license plate that says “HEALA”

NY College for the Healing Arts: Work with Jacque Fresco from to build a college campus in New York. This school would be self-sustaining college for the healing arts. We would teach every healing modality there is, such as all types of massage, reiki, shamanism, acupuncture, tarot, along with the history of the healing arts, and the histories of the cultures where these healing arts came from. They would learn philosophy, kabbalah, religions from all cultures, anatomy, biologyetc... At the school there would be a practice area where students could use their new modalities on the local community, and the community would receive free “healthcare” in return for their bodies and minds to practice on. Students would also learn different types of farming and the food and herbs that they grew would be used to feed students, and teachers, as well as to supply a campus store where the students could buy and sell in bulk as well as sell to the local community. Students would grow the herbs for healing as well, and see how to use them by learning to make tinctures, supplements, healing balms, and teas etc… that they could also sell at the store. The students would learn feng shui by building parts of the school, they would learn sustainable architecture the same way, as well as sacred geometry. They will learn about nutrition by using the plants we grow to cook and make things with. There would be a cooking program. An Eating psychology program. and Integrative Nutrition program.... you get the idea....There would be a small animal farm on the property as well to learn to work with animals in various ways. There would be a work study and scholarship program to make it affordable to those who could not otherwise attend. We would hire the best teachers in these fields , as well as host visiting shamans, and teachers, from all over the world.

New Avalon: I want to create a home for women and anyone who identifies as a woman(and their children) transitioning out of their marriages, where they can learn trades, and healing arts. Many women stay in relationships that are unhealthy for them because they have nowhere to go to. I want to create a place where they can transition from their abusive relationships back to life. They will receive talk therapy, as well as other healing therapies to break out of their self-deprecating habits, and to grow to be their best highest selves. They will live together in support of one another. Watch each other’s children, cook each other’s food, and give each other emotional support. They will learn how to make things, learn real trades that they can use, they will be given direction and coaching as to how to better their lives, as well as classes to learn the trades that they are best at or are most interested in. Each woman will work at the home to make sure that it is sustained in a clean and proper way. Communal living at it’s best. They will learn to cook, and clean, and take care of their children, as well as any schooling in healing arts and herbal medicines, or music. They will also learn business, and technical skills that they need to survive once they are ready to leave. No one will be forced to leave. They will go when they are ready or stay and teach the young ones. Kind of like High Priestess School from the middle ages. Alternatively, down the road can be the "Merlin school" where men and anyone who identifies as a man (and their children) can learn to be good Wizards and Kings again, in balance with their masculine and feminine. They can learn skills and trades and how to communicate with and care for themselves and their families. They can transition from being physical, mental, emotional abusers, or abused to being sacred warrior samurai men full of trust and kindness and integrity.

World Craft: I would travel the world visiting all of the indigenous cultures and learn from them how to make their crafts, costumes, clothes, dishes, jewelry etc... I would film them making them and then teach the world these traditions that we are losing by making it into a TV show. Each Season could be a different country. This would not only archive and keep in our memories, and archives, the true way of making these crafts, but it would also continue to revive the art of hand made.

Indoor CYCLE Power company: Work with Soul Cycle, Flywheel, Torque etc.. and the other indoor cycling places like that to turn their bikes into energy charging stations. All of those people working out could probably power NYC!

Pedaling Cars: Figure out a way to make Flintstone cars a reality, so you could get exercise while driving. Make Electric Cars that you can charge in a charging station or by pedaling. Stop using Gasoline, or convert everything to vegetable oil. This would be great for people who have to drive all the time and would make driving more fun, as well as not as tiring. Driving would be the best exercise!

Make Vegetable Oil Stations: This is where people drop off their Oil and where Diesel engine cars pick up their oil. You get paid to drop off, you pay to pick up. Done.

Free all children from public school: Figure out a better way to educate our children. Bring all of our top thinkers together to redo our education model. Children could actually learn the real truths about life, about history, about themselves, without having to sit behind desks every day starting at the crack of dawn and being taught how to conform and be robots.

Warriors of the Rainbow school: Create a school for martial arts/ yoga/ tai-chi/ meditation, decolonization, heart opening, breathwork, and other classes that are considered to be peaceful warrior training. These classes would be free or inexpensive to everyone.

Airport Yoga and Mediation Classes: Make a yoga studio in every airport so that people waiting in between planes can stretch and meditate. And why not gas station rest stops too while we are at it!!

The Rescue team or Team Seva: The horse farm down the road from me "Little Brook Farm" has 80 rescue horses. They have all been saved from many different types of death. The women who run it work day and night to keep these horses alive and well. They give lessons and therapy sessions to community children and adults as well. They are tireless. If I had tons of money I would build an army of do-gooders that for a month would go and work at places like Little Brook so that they could have time off to work on fundraising and taking care of themselves, rebuilding infrastructure etc… These are things that they have no time to do because they are always in the hole. This rescue team could also go to people’s homes on a smaller scale. The do-gooders would get paid to do this, it would be a not-for profit obviously. They would be people who could do physical labor as well as help with grant-writing and taxes, bill paying, and legal services.

Healthy Food at Rest Stops: I recently drove from New York to North Dakota and was reminded of how we are trapped in a bubble of strip malls and rest stops serving all of the same food conglomerates. They are all terribly unhealthy. Can we please have a healthy food chain that is in airports and rest stops? Not just in New YOrk and LA. All over the country.

Community Guidance Project: Help communities build around service to others and to each other. Guide people in ways to connect to others to ask for help and to be of use. We used to live in communities and it was so much healthier for us. Now each of us is striking out on our own, trying to make it, trying to compete, trying to raise our kids, work our jobs, find love, and be creative, all on our own. Most marriages don’t even work anymore partially due to this, which makes everyone even more really alone. I am interested in building self sustaining communities like it was at Standing Rock, with community kitchens, community solar, a water truck bringing water, a propane truck offering propane, everyone bringing their best skills to dig in and help each other do their best. Bartering, trading, talking, laughing, praying, sitting around fires communicating and telling stories. Working hard for the good of all, not just ourselves.

Abolish Junk Mail: Does anyone read this waste of paper and waste of time and waste of space.

Wasted hides: I don't eat meat anymore, but a lot of people do. When the meat is processed the animals are skinned but many of their hides as well as other body parts are wasted and thrown out. It's so awful, especially considering the amount of humans starving. Apparently the hide tanning process is so expensive as well that it's cheaper to just throw them away. This doesn't make sense to me. Can't we figure out a way to save those hides and use them for shoes and bags and coats etc? I have absolutely no desire to be a part of the killing of animals for food or anything else, especially the way that it is done now. But it's even worse to see that they are being killed and then their pieces and parts just being dumped. Lets find a way to utilize the waste properly.

Free all zoo animals: Do we really need trap animals in cages to look at them anymore?

Cookbook of Dr. Sebi: Work with Maa from to write a book about what foods are good to eat and why, and help her to make a cookbook of delicious foods so that people can stop eating crap that is killing them.

Soul Medicine Collective- Create a collective Space near our home for healers and health practitioners. We share the rent, we share the promotional resposibilities, and we share and trade modalities with each other to keep each other healthy and strong. We host events. Possibly have a juice bar and food area.

Toastite Food Truck: Food truck that serves toastite sandwiches with all different fillings. Will have Gluten free bread and dairy free and vegan options.

Humans wake up from Slumber: Wake up people! Live in Love. Stop eating shitty food and watching crap TV and dumping plastic into the ocean. Stop hating each other and judging based on skin color or sexual preference. Can't we all just get a long?

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